Chapter 17 began in earnest since i was not able to begin the riveting of the wing skins - these have been put on the top shelf, primed and ready to go.
This section started with making up 2 cradles for the leading edges, from the plywood crate tops - the template for 2 of these were traced onto the top of the crate by the factory.
A few of the ribs needed to be modified to fit around the "step bars" on the spars - these were done by drilling a hole in the corner, then a dremel to do the cuts. They were fine tuned with a file by test fitting to the spars themselves. The ribs were laid out and labelled "L1" to "L7" etc, from the inboard most rib to the outboard one. I will use the same metal tags as the wing ribs to ensure they are not mixed up through the prep and priming process.
A #30 hole was drilled the correct distance from the corner.. |
The hole was enlarged with the step drill |
The ribs were test fit in-situ to ensure a good clearance from the spar step bars |
Rib Preperation
The rib prep sequence was similar to the wings:
The dremel standing drum did a good job on these cutouts. |
The J-Stiffners were marked up and match drilled and I used a small stick to hold the stiffner against the skin - i cleco'd every hole as i drilled.
The hole where the tie-down rings get screwed in were enlarged with a step drill |
These things take a lot of clecos! |
I plan not to install the stall-warning vane, however i will prep all the parts for it and put it together (just not install it).
Finally, all the parts were prepped and primed as per previous procedure. I am not using Alumiprep for the etch step, as i ran out of EkoEtch and it is very expensive to get it to Australia. The EkoEtch was around $50 AUD per litre, but i can get Alumiprep Gallon (4 litres) for around $75. Andy from Stewart Systems recommended it as an alternative product.
All parts ready for priming |
Parts were primed in batches |
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