Wings Index
Chapter 13 - Main Spars
- 13-03: Main spar Priming / Nutplates / Wing Cradle Build
- Chapter 13 - Main Spar - The wings have begun!
Chapter 14 - Wing Ribs
- 14-06 & 07: Riveting Ribs to Main Spars
- 14-02: Wing Rib Preparation
- The Priming Process explained (Priming Wing Ribs)
- 14-04: Wing Systems Holes / Wing Electrical Planning
- 14-03: Wing Rib Deburring
- 14-02/3: Wing Rib Preperation
Chapter 15 - Rear Spar
- 15-02 -> 04: Rear Spar Riveting
- 15-03: Outboard Aileron Bracket Doubler - rectification!
- 15-02->04: Rear Spar Parts Prep
Chapter 16 - Top Skins
- 16-02 -> 04: Riveting Wing Top Skins
- COVID: Working out of order
- 16-02: Wing Skins Prep / Wing Skins on Hold
Chapter 17 - Leading Edges
- 17-09: Landing Light Lenses
- 17-08: Riveting Leading Edges to Wing
- COVID: Working out of order
- 17-06: Leading Edge Riveting
- 17-04->05: Dimpling / Landing Light cavity painting / Nutplates
- 17-02->05: Leading Edge Parts Prep
Chapter 18 - Fuel Tanks
- 18-09: Fuel Tank Installation / Fuel Sender Wiring
- 18-09: Priming Fuel Tank External Surfaces
- 18-09: R Fuel Tank Leak Repair
- 18-09: Fuel tank Testing
- 18-09: Miscellanea Installation (incl Fuel Senders)
- 18-08: Rear Baffle Install
- 18-06: Aft Root Rib #1 / Fuel Vent Union Install
- 18-05: VA-112 Fuel Drain Flange Error
- 18-07: Fuel Sender Wire Bending
- 18-05: Fuel Tank J Stiffners / An Injury / Tank Attach Brackets / Fuel Vent Lines
- 18-05: Tank End Ribs (#7)
- 18-05: Fuel Tank Internal Ribs (#2 - #6)
- 18-05: Prosealing in the Fuel Tank Ribs -> Rib #1
- 18-05: Fuel Tank Stiffners / Sundry
- Fuel Tank Proseal Test Piece
- 18-02 -> 04: Fuel Tank Parts Preparation
Chapter 19 - Wing Systems Routing
Chapter 20 - Bottom Wing Skins
- 20-04: Riveting Outboard Bottom Wing Skins (and Pitot Tube Doubler)
- 20-04: Riveting bottom inboard wing skins (finally!)
- 20-03: Bottom Wing Skins - Prep
- 20-02: Flap and Aileron Gap Fairings
- 20-03: DIY ADAHRS Mount
Chapter 21 - Flaps
- 21-09 ->10: Riveting flap skins / Riveting Trailing Edges
- 21-08: Riveting Flap Structure Components
- 21-06: Dimpling Flap Components
- 21-06: Priming Flap Components
- 21-05 -> 06: Flap skin / trailing edge preparation
- 21-01 -> 04: Preparing Flap Structure Components
- 21-02 - Flap Cradles
Chapter 22 - Ailerons
- 22-09: Riveting Aileron Trailing Edges
- 22-08: Aileron Bottom Skin Riveting
- 22-07: Nose and Top Skin Riveting
- 22-05: (again) Primed and riveted RH aileron skins and stiffners
- 22-06: Clecoing the ailerons together (FIRST WALL OF SHAME ENTRY)
- 22-05: Primed and riveted aileron skins and stiffners
- 22-02: Priming and riveting Aileron Ribs
- 22-02 ->3: Aileron Structure & Counterbalance Preperation
Chapter 23 - Aileron Actuation
- 23-09: Aileron Rigging
- 23-06: Aileron Torque Tube Assembly
- 23-05: Aileron Bellcrank
- 23-03 -> 04: Aileron pushrods
Chapter 24 - Wingtips
- 24-04: Finishing off the Wingtips, and the wings!
- 24-03: Wingtip Light Lenses
- 24-04: Cleaning up the wingtip transition to the wing skins
- 24-03: Riveting / Bonding on the Hinges
- 24-03: Attaching Wingtips using Hinge Method - Preparation
- 24-02: Initial trim and drilling wingtips to wings
OP - Wing Optional Kits
- 24-03: Riveting / Bonding on the Hinges
- 24-03: Attaching Wingtips using Hinge Method - Preparation
- OP - Chromed Pitot Tube Mast
- 20-04: Riveting Outboard Bottom Wing Skins (and Pitot Tube Doubler)
- OP - Pitot Tube Mast
- OP38 - Aileron Trim System
- 20-03: DIY ADAHRS Mount
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