9-09:14 - Elevator Parts dimpling & trim tab riveting
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Preparation of the elevators for assembly began with the dimpling of the elevator skins, dimpling of the ribs and other components. The spars were checked for proper angles as per the instructions; i found that by applying a small twisting pressure on the flanges once the squeezer had closed this left the flanges spot on.
Flanges of the spars were checked for the correct angle
Next was to dimple all the other elevator components, such as counterbalance ribs and skins, and elevator ribs etc. The trailing edges were countersunk for the elevator skin rivets. Also in this step, the nutplates were riveted to the trim access doubler.
It's very satisfying when pieces of aluminium turn into aircraft parts
There was no issues with my yoke fitting in the rear spars - i didn't have to grind anything off.
Assembly begins!
Once all the dimpling was done, i double flush riveted the trim pushrod, and riveted the forward spar of the trim tab to the lower trim tab skin, and also the trim tab horns to the lower skin as well.
Snipping pages!
When i have finished both sides of an instruction page, i snip off the top corner of the page - its a satisfying feeling!
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